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I'm trying to create a business rule that will update a user account expiry date when that user logs in for the first time. I'm new to Adaxes, so I don't have a full understanding of how this works, but it appears that the "After updating a user" rule doesn't apply to certain attributes that are automatically updated by a user's action, such as "Last Logon". Is it possible to make this work?

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


it appears that the "After updating a user" rule doesn't apply to certain attributes that are automatically updated by a user's action, such as "Last Logon".

Yes, your assumption is correct. It also works the same for any changes made outside of Adaxes. Business rules do not trigger in such cases and the behavior is by design.

Is it possible to make this work?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.


Thank you for confirming this.

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