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I tried to create a "business rule" to automatically email a designated email-adress. Thats not a problem.

But i want to be able to get the "enrolled"-Parameter from the self-service password reset, so i can send an automated email with an enrollment info.

Like this:

Hello administrator

The setup of the "Adaxes Self-Service Password reset" was successful.

Configured user: %fullname%

Timestamp: %datetime:format[dddd, "the" dd. MMMM yyyy "at" HH:mm:ss "clock"]%

Yours sincerely

The Adaxes system

Is it possible to create a business rule with the wanted parameter?

by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)
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Best answer


Do we understand correctly that you need to send an email notification each time when a user enrolls for password self-service? If we do, unfortunately, there is no such possibility. As an option, you can create a custom report in Adaxes that generates the password self-service statistics. For details, have a look at the following repository article: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/password-self-service-enrollment-statistics-s682.htm. Then you can schedule the report and configure the delivery by email. For information on how to schedule reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports. If this is not what you meant, please provide us with all the possible details regarding the desired behavior. Screenshots and live examples will be much appreciated. You can post them here or send us at support@adaxes.com.



Thank you for answering my question.

Thats unfortunate, but i will try your solution next.

Is there maybe the possibility, that it will be added in the next versions of Adaxes?



There are no such plans at the moment. However, thank you for the suggestion, we have forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.



Thank you very much for considering this as a feature.

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