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Is there any business logic in ADAxess to let it handle basic load balancing of users between different stores ?


by (650 points)

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by (285k points)
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Hello Kaj,

Have a look at the Using Adaxes Administration Console section of the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Perf ... ilbox.html.


Thanks, for new users we already have that in place, but how about existing users?


Hello Kaj,

Could you describe the desired scenario in as much detail as possible?


we have multiple Exchange servers, with multiple stores per exchange server. We would like to have a scheduled task / business rule that once per week or once per day rebalanced the mailboxes over a selected number of exchange stores.

We can do that with a external powershell script, but would like to concentrate these kinds of business logics into ADAxess is possible.

So for example, one server with four stores, store one has 95 GB of data, 0 whitespace, Store two has 70 Gb of data, 5 Gb whitespace, Store three has 85 Gb of data, 10 gb whitespace, and store four has 120 Gb of data and 0 whitespace.

In the above scenario it would be benificial to move mailboxes from Store four to Store two until they are equal in size and after store two its time to move some stuff to Store three which also has capacity over until all the stores is balanced out.



Hello Kaj,

You can use a Scheduled Task that will execute a PowerShell script. For information on how to create the task, have a look at the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... gement.htm. On step 5 of the tutorial, select Run a program or PowerShell script action.

However, we recommend you to move mailboxes manually per your requirements and configure creating new mailboxes in Adaxes as it is described in the article we referenced in the previous post.

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