0 votes


I try to create a scheduled task that checks every minute for locked out users and sends a mail if there is any locked out users.

It works fine but it sends a mail notification every minute, because i dont know how to stop it.

I disabled it for the moment.

I also tried an anti-spam script that was recently posted here. I think this worked for a day, but it mysteriously stopped working.

Because of this i made two scheduled tasks. Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-08 um 11.01.54.png

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-08 um 11.04.11.png

Can you help me with this problem?

As you might see in the screenshot, i am not well experienced.

by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (298k points)


The best way would be to schedule a built-in report, Locked out users. By default, it is located in container Reports\All Reports\users\Account Status. For details on how to schedule reports, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/ScheduleReports. This way, you will have a single email for all the existing locked out user accounts instead of a separate email per account. Also, you can confugre the report to be delivered only if it is not empty.

If this is not what you need, please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.



I tried this solution and the report will not be generated.

Is it possible to just generate a message one single time everytime a user gets locked out, without a report?


  1. User gets locked out

  2. Send mail to Admin and User

  3. Stop sending mails (no spam, once is enough)

  4. User gets unlocked by admin

  5. User gets locked again

  6. Send mail (again no spam, everytime a user gets locked out)

  7. User gets unlocked

Thanks for your help.



Do you need it to be done just for one single user?



Yes. That would be perfect.



Thank you for the confirmation. You can use a scheduled task like below. In the task, CustomAttributeBoolean2 is one of Adaxes custom Boolean attributes (you can pick available). It is only used to mark the account as lock outs are performed in AD bypassing Adaxes.




Did you use an own script or did you use the one i provided?

Because it didnt work with the one i provided.

If you wrote an own script, can you send it in the chat please?

Thank you.



There are no PowerShell scripts used at all. Only built-in actions and conditions.



Okay i understand.

I will try it in the next view days.

Thank you.



What is the CustomAttributeBoolean2 doing?

Can i "customize" it somehow to change its variable to "Mail sent"?

Because i tried the exact same an i still get spammed every minute, that a user got locked out.

I know i can just reschedule the task, but that is not an option because than i get a notification after 1 hour.



What is the CustomAttributeBoolean2 doing?

As it was mentioned in the above post, it is an Adaxes vustom attribute. In this particular case, it is just used to mark the target user to prevent duplicate emails.

Can i "customize" it somehow to change its variable to "Mail sent"?

You can change the attribute display name: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CustomizePropertyDisplayNames.

Because i tried the exact same an i still get spammed every minute, that a user got locked out.

Please, provide screenshot of the scheduled task you created. Make sure to include the Activity Scope section. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.



Here you can see the Configuration and the Activity scope.

Some things are in german.

"GrpAdaxesBenutzer" = "GrpAdaxesUsers", it is a group with every user in the company.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-09 um 11.46.17.png



Your configuration is incorrect. Make sure to configure the task exactly as in our screenshot above. The only thing you need to change is the user in the Activity Scope. Pay attention that it must be a single user, not members of a group. Otherwise, you will receive multiple emails.



Oh i think there was a misunderstanding. Sorry, i am in the wrong.

I tried to get a notifcation for an entire group, not just one single user. So if someone in that group gets locked out, i get one single message.

Is that possible.

Sorry for the inconvinience.



There is no easy way to do that. It can only be done via a PowerShell script that will iterate through the members and check their status. Also, marking like in our screenshot will also be required. Unfortunately, we do not have such a script in our repository.



Okay, thats unfortunate.

But thank you regardless.

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