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Short and quick:

When the user completes changing their password or unlocking their account from the Windows login screen and hits the FINISH button, can the client be set to close?

Other issues and long story:

Setting up the Self Service client on Windows 10 computers. I downloaded the client on from the downloads page on the Adaxes site. Originally, I setup group policy to push the URL https://adaxes.fqdn.com/me (which is the adaxesselfservice page renamed). When hitting the client link at the Windows login, I get the login page for Adaxes. This actually confuses the users, but the real problem was when you hit the Forgot Password link on the Adaxes login page, a box pops up saying Access Denied. I changing the URL https://adaxes.fqdn.com/Me/SelfPasswordReset.aspx? was the only way it worked. Even got an Access Denied without the ? on the end. So now it is great. the user hits the link and just has to enter their domain credentials, but now when they get done, it is confusing again because when they hit finish, they go back to the Adaxes login page rather than the Windows login.

Adaxes server is 2017.1 and we are just about to upgrade to the current version.


by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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When the user completes changing their password or unlocking their account from the Windows login screen and hits the FINISH button, can the client be set to close?

The behavior you need is by default. Once a user completes resetting their password, they should be returned to the Windows logon screen. For troubleshooting purposes, could you check whether the Auto-logon feature is enabled for the Self Service Web Interface? To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Web Interface Customization tool.
  2. Select the Self Service interface type and activate the Sign In tab.
  3. If the auto-logon feature is enabled, disable it. It is not possible to use a Web Interface with the feature enabled for Adaxes Self-Service Client.

Other issues and long story:

The correct URL in the Windows Integration settings should be exactly like the following: http://adaxes.fqdn.com/AdaxesSelfService, do not add anything else to it. After updating the URL, restart the computer where Adaxes Self-Service client is installed to make sure it pulls the new settings.


Auto Logon is disabled for the Self Service page.

If I use just https://adaxes.fqdn.com/me, I get the default Adaxes login page and Access Denied when clicking on Forgot Password link



Could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of your Windows Integration settings? To take the screenshot:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to Configuration\Password Self-Service and select Windows Integration.
  4. Take a screenshot. We need something like the following:

What does the URL https://adaxes.fqdn.com/me stand for? Do you use it to redirect to https://adaxes.fqdn.com/AdaxesSelfService?

What version of Adaxes Self-Service Client are you using? To check that:

  1. On the computer where the client is installed, navigate to folder Windows/System32.
  2. Right-click the adaxeswinlogonext.dll file.
  3. In the context menu, click Properties.
  4. Activate the Details tab.
  5. You will see something like the following:

Its not a redirect. When installing Adaxes, I renamed SelfService to Me. In IIS it is listed as Me. We tell our users to utilize the "Me" page to work on things that pertain to them on the network.

We are using verion 3.9.15609.0 of the SelfService client

I'll send an email with the screen shots.



Thank you for the provided details. According to the screenhsots, you are using the latest version of Adaxes Self-Service Client. To remedy the issue, install an earlier version of the client. You can download it here. After re-installing the client, restart the computer multiple times to make sure the settings get applied.



We are having the same issue. Just attempted to re install adaxes services over again and start from scratch. Getting the same Access is denied notification after clicking the reset password button. The page comes up in a normal browser but always denied from the windows login screen. I tried installing the older client and restarting many times, but still the same result. Essentially using the default settings for adaxes. We are using 2018.1



As long as you are using Adaxes 2018.1, you need to install the latest version of Adaxes Self-Service client. The old version for recommended in the previous post because the customer had Adaxes 2017.1. After re-installing the client, you might need to restart the computer multiple times to apply the changes.

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