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How do change the display name of a custom attribute in version 2017.2? All the information I am finding contains links that bring me to 2018 version

by (1.3k points)

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by (282k points)
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All the information I am finding contains links that bring me to 2018 version

To check help documentation for your version of Adaxes, launch Adaxes Administration Console and press F1. You need article Customizing Display Names for AD Properties.

How do change the display name of a custom attribute in version 2017.2?

To specify a custom display name for a property:

  1. Navigate to folder C:\ProgramData\Softerra\Adaxes 3\.

  2. Open file AttributeFriendlyNames2.eng.xml (AttributeFriendlyNames2.deu.xml for German, AttributeFriendlyNames2.fra.xml for French) with a text editor.

  3. Add the following to the end of the file, before the closing </friendlyNames> tag:

        <friendlyName>My Display Name</friendlyName>
  4. Make sure that the ldapName tag contains the LDAP name of the property. LDAP names of all Adaxes custom attributes start with adm- (e.g. adm-CustomAttributeText1). In the friendlyName tag, specify the desired display name of the property.

  5. Save the file.

  6. If Adaxes Web Interface is installed on the computer, restart IIS.

  7. If Adaxes Administration Console is installed on the computer, restart the console.

  8. If Adaxes Service is installed on the computer, restart Softerra Adaxes Service.

  9. Repeat all the steps on each computer where Adaxes components (Web Interface, service, Administration Console) are installed.

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