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We have noticed an issue on a number of workstations that have Adaxes installed (or had installed, we've tried uninstalling it) where that if a user changes their password via either Adaxes or via Ctrl+Alt+Delete > Change Password, it doesn't sync with the Checkpoint FDE we have on all workstations.
The users who haven't had Adaxes installed are unaffected.
Some users reset their password over a week ago and have had multiple reboots but FDE is still using the old password.
Have you come across anything like this before?

by (40 points)


Could you, please, clarify what Adaxes components are installed on the mentioned workstations? Do you mean Adaxes Self-Service Client? If so, there is a possibility that passwords were reset while the computers were offsite or offline and were never connected to the local network since then. In this case Adaxes Self-Service Client updates passwords in the local credentials cache while the Checkpoint FDE software might still use passwords stored in its own cache.
For troubleshooting purposes, please, try to log in to a different domain computer connected to the local network using the account new password.


Just the local client is installed on the machines. The passwords are also reset while the machines are online, even if it is reset via pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and changing password that way.

The only difference between the user's affected and the ones not affected is that the ones who have the issue have also had Adaxes self service client installed locally.

Each user is linked to a specific machine, so logging onto a different machine with a user wouldn't sync the password anyway unfortunately.

I was just wondering if you had seen anything like this before as it's a bit of a strange issue.



Hello Dan,

Could you, please, make sure that new user passwords are actually changed in Active Directory (AD)? To do so you can, for example, try to log into Adaxes Web Interface using an account new password. If the user can log in, the password is synchronized with AD. In this case, for further troubleshooting, we would recommend you to contact Check Point technical support.



The password is reset in AD directly, but if the machine has both the Checkpoint Endpoint client and the Adaxes client installed then the password doesn't sync from AD to Checkpoint. The solution from Checkpoint support is to uninstall Adaxes and reinstall Checkpoint which works fine, it just means we can't go ahead with rolling out Adaxes.

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