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Hi there,

Adaxes looks great. It needs a bit of time to investigate all the features.
I wonder how to upper lastname in a property pattern, to enforce strict naming convention.
Any clue ?

Thanks in advance

by (800 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


At the moment, it is impossible to change the case of the values generated with the help of the value references.
In the new version, that is scheduled for April 7, 2011, it will be possible to do this. For example: %firstname:lower%%lastname:upper% .


Thanks for the information.
Any chance to have it in an intermediary build ?
I need to demo the product to my staff and i'm pretty sure that someone will challenge me on that point :-)


The build that contains the fix for the Exchange issue (Privileges in multiple domains environment) also contains this functionality.



Yesterday we released Adaxes 2011.1. This version allows changing the case of property values generated with the help of value references. For details, please see Changing the Case of Generated Values.

In your case you need to use the following pattern for the Full Name property: %firstname% %lastname:upper%

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