0 votes

We are seeing that when users access the self-service password enrollment via web page on an iOS device, the question drop downs are not responsive. The users cannot select a question from the drop down list, but can type in a question of their own. Can someone assist?

by (250 points)


What is the iOS version, and what browser are you using (including the version)?


Sorry to drag up an old thread, we have the same issue.

We are using Safari on iOS 8.3 on iPad Air. Running Adaxes 2014.1 (3.7.11218.0).

The PssEnroll.aspx page allows you to type in a question but the drop down does not work. For testing I tried turning off user-defined questions which only disabled typing in the question box and drop down still did not work.

The useragent string of Safari is "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F69 Safari/600.1.4".

Just in case I also tried the fix in OSX Yosemite which didn't work.




Is there an update for this issue? We have tried both suggestions without any luck.

Please advice!

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


In our test environment, the fix with a browser file suggested in the original post works after forcing the Web Interface to rebuild. For information on how to force the Web interface to rebuild, see OSX Yosemite.

If the fix doesn't work even after that, could you provide the following information so we could reproduce the issue in our environment:

  1. What version of Windows is installed on the computer where the Web Interface is installed, including service packs, if any?
  2. What version of IIS is running on that computer?
  3. What iOS devices have you tried: iMac, iPad, iPhone? Could you specify which versions (including build numbers) of Safari and iOS are installed on those devices?

Here is our current setup.

1. Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
2. IIS 6.0
3. We've tried on Safari 8.0.5/.6 on macbook pro's as well as Safari on iphones.




Thanks for the update. We'll pass the info to our QA guys and will update this topic as soon as they come up with something.



It looks like we've found a possible cause for the issue. For information on how to resolve it, see the following post: OSX Yosemite.

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