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If I have 2 Active Directory Security groups in my domain -

Group A Group B

Is it possible to create a report that shows only users who have membership in both groups?

For example, if John Doe is in Group A but not Group B, he wouldnt be included in the resulting report. However if Jane Doe is in Group A AND Group B she would be included in the resulting report.

by (480 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)
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Best answer


Yes, it is possible. You will need to create a report with an AD object picker parameter. The parameter will be used to specify the groups whose common members will be added to the report. In the report, use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/users-who-are-members-of-each-specified-group-s575.htm.

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