0 votes

This article states that managment of shared mailboxes is added. https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new_2019.1.htm#exchange

Where is the details on implementation? It seems like I have to create everything you mention in this article.

I need to be able to create hybrid mailbox and the intructions are all over the place and not really well documented. I'm finding articles back to 2014 and before.

So please give me all the details. I'm evaluating this software and this is a big mismatch on what you say and what the software does and lack of instructions.

by (790 points)

I'm still working on the solution.

I had a chat with support and started coming up with ideas on how it should work.

Here is what I have right now: image.png

This still errors out. I was hoping the "If the user has an exchnage mailbox" might work but it doesn't delay the script.

I could always put a "Start-Sleep" in I guess but don't want commands that wait just because.

I'd preffer to ensure the mailbox is ready.

Am I missing any command that would allow me to verify the existing of the mailbox?



Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what you are trying to achieve. Do you need to create a shared remote mailbox for a user during deprovisioning even if the user does not have a mailbox? Any additional details and live examples of the desired workflow would be much appreciated.


I'm attempting to create a shared mailbox in a hybrid environment.

I used online support this morning and asked and I was told this might be approximately the way to do it.

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


The approach you configured will not work as the mailbox creation in Exchange Online is not instant and the assigned license will be revoked before the mailbox is created which will cancel the mailbox creation. To achieve the desired, a Custom Command and a Scheduled Task should be used. The command will assign a license, convert the mailbox to shared, disable the account and mark the account for revoking the Microsoft 365 license (e.g. by setting a custom Boolean attribute to True). The Scheduled Task will revoke the license of accounts that have the custom Boolean attribute set to True if the account has a mailbox and clear the custom attribute. Finally, the Custom Command should look like the following: image.png And the Scheduled Task should look like the following: image.png

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