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How do I rename an AD Object?

When I try Rename-ADObject or use the ADAxes equivilent I get the follow error. It then references the CSV Import line for some reason.

    The object already exists.  Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 841 at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 410

If I run the script outside ADAxes, it completes without error and makes the expected changes.


by (40 points)
edited by


How do I rename an AD Object?

There are multiple approaches for renaming Active Directory objects via Adaxes. For examples, take a look at the following SDK articles: http://adaxes.com/sdk/WritingAdsiScripts/#renaming-objects; http://adaxes.com/sdk/Rename-AdmObject/.

When I try Rename-ADObject or use the ADAxes equivilent I get the follow error. It then refernces the CSV Import line for some reason.

Could you, please, send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the script used in Adaxes in TXT format and the CSV file you are using?


Either Rename command gives an error:

Rename-ADObject -Identity $DSName -NewName $DisplayName


Rename-AdmObject -Identity $DSName -NewName $DisplayName

This is the CSV Input command:

Import-Csv -Path $InputFilePath | ForEach-Object {


USER_NAME,SUPR_USER_NAME,JOB_TITLE,DEPARTMENT,FIRST_NAME_NICK_NAME,MIDDLE_INITIAL,LAST_NAME_SUFFIX,EMP_NUM,DIVISION,WORK_PHONE,WORK_FAX1,WORK_FAX2,CELL_PHONE,IP_PHONE,PAGER,LOCATION,E_MAIL_ADDR,WORK_ADDR1,WORK_ADDR2,MAIL_STOP,CITY,STATE,ZIP,MAIL_VALUES,TERM_DATE CLS6,RDP6,Sr Project Manager,"Project Management",Cheryl,,Smith,11102,Corporate,702-555-1212,702-555-1212,,702-555-1212,73555,,LV-Spring Mtn,TST_CHERYL.SMITH@EMAIL.COM,5241 Spring Mountain Road,,LVC-480,Las Vegas,NV,89150, , NPL1,SRV2,Sr Security Analyst,"Cybersecurity Services",Nicolas,,Jones,11105,Corporate,702-555-1212,702-555-1212,,702-555-1212,73555,,LV-Spring Mtn,TST_NICOLAS.JONES@EMAIL.COM,5241 Spring Mountain Road,,LVC-340,Las Vegas,NV,89150, ,



Thank you for the provided files. Could you, please, clarify whether the error occurs for all the accounts specified in the CSV file or only for specific ones? If latter is the case, does the sample you provided include the records the error occurs for? Do we understand correctly that the script is executed in Adaxes using the Run a program or PowerShell script action? If we do, please, clarify whether the script is executed as External program (e.g. .PS1) or as PowerShell script. image.png

A screenshot of the error would be also appreciated.

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