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Hello Adaxes Team!

Is there a way to copy the users in one group to another group in the same domain without script? If not, is there already a solution with a script & custom command?

Scenario: Both groups already exist and should be selected in the copy mask.

Much appreciated, Marco

by (60 points)

Hello Marco,

What exactly do you mean by copy the users? Do you need membership in both groups to always be the same? If not, please, describe how the copying should be performed (e. g. should members of the first group fully override those of the second group).



membership in both groups don't need to be the same. Only adding the members from group1 to group2 without overwriting.


1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Marco,

Thank you for clarifying. Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-members-of-the-target-group-to-the-specified-one-s661.htm. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to achieve the desired without using a script. Also, you can automate the process using the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-remove-object-from-group-upon-adding-removing-it-from-another-group-s469.htm.



is there a way to select the source and destination group manually in the creation mask itself?

In my "Copy group membership from one user to another" it is configured like this:

  1. Selection of the target user: 2022-04-15 10_21_56-Window.png

  2. Selection of the source user: 2022-04-15 10_22_41-Window.png

Can you modify the script that I can select the group manually in the WebUI with fields like shown above?

Because in the first article you specify the group in the script. I need to select the group manually. script line: $targetGroupDN = "CN=My Group,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com" # TODO: modify me

The goal is to let the Helpdesk Admins copy/add the group members from one group to another. They should be able to specify the regarding groups manually. the group should not be specified in the script.

I hope you can understand my demand.

Much appreciated,



Hello Marco,

Yes, it is possible. There is no need to make any changes in the script. You will need to use a custom command configured for the Group object type with a parameter for selecting the group to copy members to. For information on how to create custom commands, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateCustomCommand.htm. As for the $targetGroupDN variable in the script, it should be set to a value reference for the parameter used to select the target group. For example:

$targetGroupDN = "%param-group%" # TODO: modify me

Yeah. That's exactly what I needed. Thanks for the help!

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