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On the Adaxes Selfservice portal we are having issues only some users can get into the portal. We have users with a secondary account for admin rights that only have access to their own PC. When they try to enroll this user they get the error Username and password do not match. When we remove their PC and let them access all computers it works. We have had people set up with only being to log into their own PC for over a year. Now it seems not be working. Any idea on why this is happening? Thanks

by (420 points)


When they try to enroll this user they get the error Username and password do not match.

At which point do they get this error exactly? Do they get it when trying to log in to the Self-Service Web Interface, or they can log in successfully, but get the error when trying to enroll? Also, do you allow or deny access to the Web Interface to certain AD groups based on instructions from the following tutorial http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... erface.htm?

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