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Here are the actrions of the custom command. image.png Here are the parameters. image.png Need a script to copy the param user's file path for home drive example: Param user's home drive is //server1/homedirs/username Target (copy to user) should be //server1/homedirs/%username%. Then give the user full control of the folder.

by (1.0k points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what you need to achieve. If it is about copying a user folder, you can try using the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/copying-folder-structure-with-permissions-s380.htm. if this is not what you need, please, describe the desired behaviour in all the possible details with live examples.


When a user chooses the custom command they choose a user to copy to. Then a user to copy from. This parameter is an active directory object picker. The script whould catch the param user (copy from user), get the server share the user has set for home drive. And use the share to create the copy to user's folder in said share. Then permission the share. Example UserA has a home drive //server1/homedrive/usera so UserB would get a home drive of //server1/homedrive/userb with full control. Example two UserC has a home drive //server2/homedrive/userc So UserD would get a home drive of //server2/homedrive/userd



That is exactly what the script we referenced does. You just need to adjust the variables according to your custom command parameters.


This scipt copies the items in one folder to another so no this is not what I need. This tells me the script is trying to copy items in one folder to another. $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop }

This is in regards to a new user. New user's access and home drive location are copied by an existing script run by our Service Desk. I am attempting to replace this with an Adaxes Custom Command.

They choose a user or template user if the template or chosen user doesn't have a home drive, the new user doesn't get a home drive. If the template or chosen user has a folder in \server1\share, The script should set the user's Home folder to \server1\Share\%username% image.png

I don't see in the script where it sets this attribute, creates the new folder on the share, and set's permissions for the new user.



Thank you for the provided details. As such, the script should do the following:

  1. Get the user from the parameter.
  2. Get the path to the user home directory.
  3. Replace the last part of the path with the username of the target user.
  4. Create a home directory for the target user with the new path and grant full control permissions over it.

Is that correct? If so, what should be done in case the user in the parameter does not have a home directory?


If the parameter user doesn't have a home drive the user we are copying to should not have a home drive set.


Sorry, Yes you are correct.

1 Answer

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by (286k points)


Thank you for the provided details. You can use the below script. In the script:

  • $sourceUserParameterName - Specifies the name of the parameter used to select the source user. The parameter name should be specified with the -param prefix.
  • $inheritPermissionsFromParent - Specifies whether permissions inheritance should be enabled for the created folder.
  • $setUserAsOwner - Specifies whether to set the target user as the new folder owner.
$sourceUserParameterName = "param-Template" # TODO: modify me
$inheritPermissionsFromParent = $True # TODO: modify me
$setUserAsOwner = $True # TODO: modify me

# Get source user home folder path
$sourceUserDN = $Context.GetParameterValue($sourceUserParameterName)
if ($NULL -eq $sourceUserDN)

$sourceUser = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($sourceUserDN)
    $homeDirectoryPath = $sourceUser.Get("homeDirectory")
    $homeDrive = $sourceUser.Get("homeDrive")

# Get parent folder path
$parentFolderPath = Split-Path $homeDirectoryPath

# Create a home directory
$Context.TargetObject.CreateHomeDirectory("$parentFolderPath\%username%", $homeDrive, "ADM_USERACCESSPERMISSION_FULL",
    $inheritPermissionsFromParent, $setUserAsOwner)

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