0 votes
by (20 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly the issue is. Please, describe it and the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples and screenshots. If there is information you cannot post here, please, send it to support@adaxes.com.


after disable user in self service page , when i try to enable back it back on same page the user that have disable is not display that.

So i cant enable the user which we have disable in self service page

1 Answer

0 votes
by (296k points)


Out of the box, the Self-Service Web interface is configured to only display enabled and not expired user accounts. For information on how to change the settings, have a look at section Configure criteria for displaying objects of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ControlObjectsDisplayedInWebInterface/#configure-criteria-for-displaying-objects. After saving the changes, make sure to clear your browser cache and sign out/in to the Web interface.


Hi, i tested this method too and i using ingonicto google and clear everytime but no luck..same, cant see the disabled user when try enable in the menu



Did you make the changes using the Web interface configurator as instructed in the tutorial? Please, provide us with a screenshot of the Browsing tab. It should be like the following: image.png If the checkbox in the Criteria column is selected for the User object type, click Edit criteria and provide us with a screenshot. If you cannot post the screenshots here, please, send them to support@adaxes.com.


Hi image.png



You still have some criteria specified for user objects. As we mentioned in the previous post, please, click Edit criteria next to the User object type and provide a screenshot.


Hi image.png image.png



As we mentioned in previous posts, that is the default configuration of the Self-Service Web interface and you did not change it. That is why the Web interface does not display disabled accounts. To change that and for the Web interface to display all user accounts, clear the checkbox in the Criteria column for the User object type. image.png IMPORTANT: after saving the changes, clear browser cache and sign out/in to the Web interface.

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