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We need to run a scheduled task twice a year, so I chose every 182 days like it's suggested in here, only problem is that there is no way to change the next run time as it always defaults to start the next day.

We're in the process of transferring all of our scheduled tasks to Adaxes and many of them have similar schedules (quaterly, every 6 months etc.) and apparently there's no way to define an explicit start time. Is there some kind of workaround for this? We really don't want these tasks to be triggered again if they've already been executed this year.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly the issue is. If you configure a scheduled task to run every 182 days that is exactly what will happen. There is no possibility to specify the next run time as that is something automatically determined based on the schedule you configure. If there are some issues with a scheduled task, please, provide a screenshot and describe the actual issue about it in all the possible details. You can post the screenshot here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.


Sorry, I wasn't clear enough, with next runtime I meant basically first runtime (it only changes to next runtime if you save the task and reopen it):



What I meant is you can't adjust this setting I marked in yellow which makes it impossible to schedule any repetitive task to start running at a specific date in the future.



Thank you for clarifying. The behavior is by design and cannot be changed. However, we totally understand your concern. We are planning to significantly improve the scheduling functionality.

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