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How can we assign O365 licence to Room mailbox (exemple teams room device)?

Activate / modify Office 365 property step is not available on that kind of object.

Therefore, we cannot use a custom command to set the licence and do other stuff on that kind of object.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)


Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to manage Microsoft 365 properties (including the Microsoft 365 licenses assignment) of resource mailboxes in Adaxes. Thank you for the suggestion, we have forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.


Would it be possible via Custom Command and this PowerShell script? https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/assign-office-365-license-based-on-availablity-s472.htm



Yes, it is possible to assign a Microsoft 365 license to a room mailbox using the mentioned script. Pay attention that you need to create a custom command configured for the Room Mailbox object type to be able to execute it on room mailboxes. image.png

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