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The report criteria would be as follows, Name/Last Logon Date of any user that was disabled in the last 30 days. Furthermore, if possible, how would I publish this to the user's self service page so he can manually run a report and/or choose which dates to run the report, on his own? TIA

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (293k points)

Hello Milan,

The report criteria would be as follows, Name/Last Logon Date of any user that was disabled in the last 30 days.

Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/users-disabled-during-a-number-of-days-s660.htm.

how would I publish this to the user's self service page

For details on how to configure reports in Adaxes Web interface, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ConfigureReportsInWebInterface. You will also need to grant users the corresponding permissions: https://www.adaxes.com/help/GrantRightsToViewReports.


Thanks for that script. To make it easier, how can I edit the script to just list LastLogonDate for all disabled users in the last 30 days (no need for a drop-down or edit box). I will ultimately just schedule this report to run automatically monthly, and email the results directly to the user. Thank you!


Hello Milan,

In this case, you do not need the report to have any parameters at all. As for the script, just replace this part

$daysParamNumber = "param-MyParam" # TODO: modify me

$days = $Context.GetParameterValue($daysParamNumber)

with below

$days = 30

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