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Hi ,

I have fully working After Create User Business Rule

Question 1 ) It does create and send everyting throu eMail except sending user exchange eMail. How can i do that?

Question 2) How can i generate user password After User Creation Business Rule? I dont want help desk to check Generate password checkbox. I want to generate in business rule.

by (470 points)
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by (295k points)
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It does create and send everyting throu eMail except sending user exchange eMail. How can i do that?

What exactly do you mean by user exchange eMail? Please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.

How can i generate user password After User Creation Business Rule?

You can use the Reset user password action. image.png


What exactly do you mean by user exchange eMail? Please, describe the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.

I mean , after user created , it sends all details to my email except users email address.

Here is the example eMail that i get after creating user image.png

As you can see E-mail : is empty even if i add %mail% in send mail options

  1. [TESTED]

%adm-RandomString,10% - does not work. after applying this i get the password slot empty.




Here is the example eMail that i get after creating user

It just means that the user has the Email property empty. For example it can happen, if the property is not populated on the form and the user mailbox is not ready yet.

%adm-RandomString,10% - does not work. after applying this i get the password slot empty.

It does work. However, the behavior is expected if you use %adm-RandomString,10% in the reset user password action and %unicodePwd% in the Send email notification action. It happens because all value references resolve before the entire business rule is executed. You just need to use the same template (%adm-RandomString,10%) in both actions.


Thank you working



The approach is not quite right. First of all, %username% and %userPrincipalName% refer to the very same property - userPrincipalName. The only difference is that %username% resolves solely into the left part (before the @ character) of the userPrincipalName. As such, if you want the Email property to be equal to the userPrincipalName one, use %userPrincipalName% in the property pattern.

As for adding the Email property to the email notification, you can just use %mail% in this case.


Thank you.

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