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I'm wondering if there is a way round the following "issue" we have.

We are running 2018.2 (3.10.16008.0 x64) with Self-Service Client 1.3.7797.0.

A large portion of our devices have SmartCard readers either in-built (laptops) or on the keyboards (desktops).

I have attached some images to show what I mean:

Adx-SelfServ-NoCardRead.png shows the look we want as soon as a user hits CTRL+ALT+DEL, i.e.: straight to Username and Password prompt. The screenshot was taken with the Self-Service Client installed on a desktop without a SmartCard Reader attached.

Adx-SelfServ-CardRead.png shows what we are presented with when there is a SmartCard reader connected. We are presented with the sign-in options.

My question, is it possible to still have SmartCard readers connected but not be given a choice of sign-in options, just go straight to Username & Password?

Many thanks,

by (70 points)

Hello Simon,

Such a behavior usually occurs when two credential providers are conflicting with each other. For us to deeper investigate the behavior, please, provide us with the name of the Smart Card reader that you are using on the computers where such behavior is detected.



We have multiple types, two of which are:

O2Micro OZ776 USB CCID Smartcard Reader


Dell Smart Card Reader Keyboard

Thanks for looking!


Hello Simon,

Thank you for specifying. We will look into the settings of the Smart Card readers you provided.

To help us better understand the behavior, could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the credential providers from the computer where the Smart Card readers are installed? To get the screenshot:

  1. Open Windows Start menu.
  2. Type regedit and press Enter.
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\.
  4. Expand the Credential Provider Filters and Credentials Provider nodes.
  5. Take a screenshot. It should be something like the following:
  6. Select the LogonUI node.
  7. Take a screenshot. It should be something like the following:

    IMPORTANT: Make sure the screenshot includes the full value of the LastLoggedOnProvider key.


Please find attached the requested screenshots.

Thank you.


Hello Simon,

Thank you for all the provided details. We will investigate the behavior. Once there are any updates we will get back to you right away.



Thank you, appreciate your help and efforts.

1 Answer

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by (280k points)
selected by
Best answer

Hello Simon,

Thank you for your patience.

To achieve the desired behavior, you need to specify the default credentials provider. For details, have a look at the following article: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/assign-d ... windows-10. On step 6 of the guide, enter the following: {FBB91FEC-A651-4A42-BEA4-6B78EB772FFA}

To apply the settings, you will need to restart the computers where Adaxes Password Self-Service Client is installed.


Fantastic support, thank you. Tested and working as you said. Again, thank you for your help.


Hello Simon,

Thank you for your good words, much appreciated! Should you have any requests/questions, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.

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