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Not worked with Adaxes before and just as I joined company we've had domain migration in place. After migration, whenever we want to access Exchange properties of a user, we get error: The operation couldn't be performed because object (username) couldn't be found on (domain controller). We did removed few obsolete DC's recently, so it may be something related to search order of some sort? But - DC names are different for different admin users trying to see account properties and they are all live DC with AD-integrated Global Catalog roles in them. Why does it say I cannot find user if user searched is my own account which works fine across domain..? Any ideas, however basic they may be?? regards Robert

by (70 points)

Hello Robert,

For troubleshooting purposes, please, enable tracing of requests sent to Exchange servers, reproduce the issue and send us (support[at]adaxes.com) the log file. For information on how to enable the tracing, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.PerformExchangeTasks.TraceExchangeRequests.html.

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