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We need to capture the Office365 (if any) on the user account before we disable. These are accounts taht are temps or contractors that we disabled and re enable for a duration of the project.

Example of group name is Office-E3-EXO and we want to capture it to CustomAttributeText31

by (3.2k points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you are trying to achieve. Do you need to preserve names of specific groups into Adaxes custom attributes each time a user gets removed from them? Are the groups located in on-premises Active Directory? Could you, please, provide a detailed description of the desired workflow with live examples? Any additional details would be very helpful.


Sorry, i like to be long winded. Our goal is to take the Office 365 group we use and add that to a custom attribute before we disable the account and remove the group to free up a license.



Do we understand correctly that you are using group based licensing and to revoke the corresponding license you just need to remove a user from the corresponding on-premises AD group that is synchronized with Microsoft 365 (former office 365)? Will it always be the same group and you just need to remove a user from the group, save the group name to a custom attribute and disable the user in a single operation (e.g. by executing a Custom Command)?


Yes we currently use only two groups to determine license level for O365. ( E3-EXO and E1-EXO) It can be either group so we would need to "read" which group is assigned and write the group name to the attribute. Then process the removal of the group and continue the disabling of the account.



Thank you for specifying. This can be done using a single Custom Command with corresponding actions and conditions. For us to provide you with an example of the command configuration, please, specify what value should be set for the custom attribute in case if a user is a member of both groups.


If the user is a member of E3-EXO the customattributetext31 should be E3-EXO, the user is a member of E1-EXO the customattributetext31 should be E1-EXO.



What if a user is member of both E1-EXO and E3-EXO? Should CustomAttributeText31 be set to E1-EXO, E3-EXO?


yes it should put both in there so we can remove the extra license

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Best answer


Thank you for the confirmation. It can be done using a Custom Command like the following: image.png


Thank you it worked perfectly, i dont know why i always complicate the logic. After reading this i said out loud man that is so easy. :)

As always thank you for you assistance.

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