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Hello all, I'm working on adding a folder creation step to one of our scripts which executes after account creation. When I run the commandlets themselves in Powershell, they process ... \" + %username% + ":(OI)(CI)(M)" icacls.exe $newPath /grant $UserandPerms

asked Jan 18, 2017 by ctdhelpdesk (190 points)
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I have several windows powershell scripts that work perfectly with AD- however, I can not get these to run as an Adaxes script (Scheduled Task) It is very simple, as ... Rename-Item -Path PDL-Members.csv -NewName PDL-Members_Con1_$(Get-Date -f yyyy_MM_dd).csv

asked Jan 17, 2017 by alextame (70 points)
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We are trying to create a custom command to create a new network share folder and offline PST file for new users. Do you have any documentation to start our process with>

asked Jan 10, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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HI, Does anyone know the value to change the friendly name ofCustomAttributeTextMultiValue1 as it is not a Active Directory attribute? E.g. the below has ... ;/ldapName> <friendlyName>NEW NAME</friendlyName> </friendlyNameItem> Thank you!

asked Jan 9, 2017 by Arrow (20 points)
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We're having an issue where removing groups from a user object gets executed in AD and also reflected if browsing through the Adaxes Admin Console to the user object, but ... cache, but that didn't make a difference. Does anybody experience this issue, too?

asked Dec 12, 2016 by rsc (40 points)
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Morning, I have a very intermittent problem with reading a value from the Global Configuration. See code below. A value that is normally incremented sometimes gets "reset ... is set in the global configuration, use the initial number $number = $initialNumber }

asked Nov 29, 2016 by bistromath (840 points)
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I'm currently evaluating if Adaxes could be our access and identity mangement solution and find it very powerful. The only thing that's left is that we have some internally ... users to manage the privileges and their properties. Any ideas how we could do it?

asked Oct 27, 2016 by rsc (40 points)
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Hi all, I want to create a business rule to send an approval before adding/deleting an User to a distribution group for the self service webinterface. They should only create distribution ... is able to add a user, but no approval is sent. Where is my mistake?

asked Oct 27, 2016 by massimo.ibba (450 points)
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I am unable to move computer objects from any computer OU to another. I receive an access denied error when I try. I am able to delete computers that have ... listed in the topic Permissions Required to move Computers. Any assistance would be helpful. Mark

asked Oct 26, 2016 by mreny (40 points)
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Is there a way to combine the two functions for Unlock, and Password Reset? Most of the time, users lock themselves out because they don't remember the password, so the HelpDesk ... for the user, then changing the password. Is there any other way to do this?

asked Oct 24, 2016 by rurbaniak (1.4k points)
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Is there any way to give users the ability to see the approvers for their requests without necessarily giving them full read access to those approvers properties?

asked Oct 20, 2016 by RickWaukCo (320 points)
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Hello, Does Adaxes plan to integrate a king of password synchronization between forest in future release. This is just the piece that is missing for us :-) Regards.

asked Oct 19, 2016 by tentaal (1.1k points)
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We are currently using Adaxes Web interface for user provisioning and would like to add back-end fully automated process in addition to Web interface. If I have csv file ... Note: csv user data and header can be modified to meet import user data requirement

asked Oct 11, 2016 by wiser15 (20 points)
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Hello the addition of a holding in adaxes I get the message chatger not file or assembly file: // C: \ Windows \ system32 \ windowspowershell \ v1.0 \ modules \ ... first time we utilison the office portion 365 adaxes adaxes is installed on a wondows 2012 R2

asked Oct 7, 2016 by cfillon (120 points)
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Hi, Looking for an easy way to get a report that displays duplicate email addresses for a specific domain. Pls advise. Thanks.

asked Oct 5, 2016 by MeliOnTheJob (1.7k points)
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I'm brand new to this product and am still learning, I apologize for what are presumably bonehead questions. Here goes: 1) We've got a Create Contact action set up ... the custom form Exchange-enables the group? Thanks for the information, A brand new user.

asked Oct 4, 2016 by ctdhelpdesk (190 points)
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Hello. Is there a way to get a drop down list with custom and dynamic content in Adaxes administration console (or web)? 1. Get list of available number in dailplan from a ... or disable for Lync' from a temp variable populated in #2. How can we address #2?

asked Sep 27, 2016 by Klas (460 points)
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Hi, I recently set up a business role per a post in this thread that creates an on-prem shared mailbox and then moves that mailbox to O365. The issue is that ... ("Mailbox move request created successfully. Check Exchange logs for details." , "Information") }

asked Sep 14, 2016 by ajrechk (480 points)
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Right now, I have my Help Desk limited to the Employee OU for Password Resets, Unlocking, and Updating user information. And I have also limited then to seeing nothing ... to keep those users outside the Employee OU from showing up in Searches and Reports?

asked Sep 12, 2016 by rurbaniak (1.4k points)
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In the Adaxes GUI I was able to view exchange properties. Something change and now I am unable to view that from the GUI now all I see is Create mailbox, ... remove exchange attributes. Any idea how to get back to viewing the exchange properties? Thanks

asked Sep 12, 2016 by 7efd721c8b (420 points)
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