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Is there a way to configure the module "Member of" in a "View user"-action as purely read only? As it stands now we are able to navigate to a seperate viewing page ... needs write-access to AD, we can't specify purely read-rights via the security role either.

asked Mar 8 by Handernye (70 points)
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Hi folks, I am looking for suggestions on the best way to create/migrate/remote move our student mailboxes to 365. Until now, I have been creating the new AD accounts and ... a 'remote mailbox' in the contacts container. Let the magic begin.... Thanks Kempy

asked Jan 7, 2015 by ckemp (170 points)
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I created a new interface...on the Home Page Action, it only has new user. after the fields are filled out, I get "name is not specified for the new object". Please advise.

asked Oct 18, 2013 by MeliOnTheJob (1.7k points)
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For licensing purposes is it possible to restrict users displayed in Adaxes based on an OU rather than individual accounts?

asked Jun 17, 2013 by bemho (520 points)
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Hello Where can I find the roadmap, showing planned new features and major changes in Adaxes ? - Thanks

asked Sep 15, 2015 by (2.6k points)
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Good day, Currently I'm working on implementing the automation of the user disable/deprovisioning process. I have been able to automate all but the email forwarding. the ... no options within the console itself that seems like the clear-cut answer. Regards

asked Jul 29, 2014 by jtop (700 points)
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Hi - v. quick question. I have an automated action (scheduled task in this instance) that updates a attribute values (custom Adaxes attribute in this instance) that then ... of the object (this makes sense programatically but just want to make sure). Regards

asked Mar 26, 2013 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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I tried following the instructions in this tutorial: ... wUsers.htm When I get to the section "In the dialog that opens, select the Remote ... , even if I select the "Show all properties (Alt+A)" Thanks in advance.

asked Mar 15, 2013 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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Sometimes, if an Adaxes service was not uninstalled properly, Adaxes Administration Console shows the removed instance in the list of available Adaxes services. The easiest way ... . Delete the SCP entries that were published by a removed Adaxes service.

asked Aug 23, 2012 by Adaxes (560 points)
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Would you consider adding a feature to allow "SMS"'s to be sent by executing a PowerShell script and passing on the details as parameters for those that have more exotic setups that don't have normal APIs (Email/HTTP)? (Eg: dPMR Gateways)

asked Nov 14, 2017 by Staj (350 points)
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So what is the bestway of establishing multiple ownership over user objects? I can assign each user a single owner, but then there is no way to assign a 2nd manager to manage those users, in case the first one is sick etc.

asked Mar 13 by dominik.stawny (280 points)
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Can you assist with a script to create non-user mailboxes, such as Resource Mailboxes or Shared Mailboxes?

asked Dec 12, 2012 by mdeflice (350 points)
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Adaxes Service To enable communication between Adaxes service and Active Directory, the following ports (TCP and UDP) must be open for outgoing connections on the ... Restricting Active Directory replication traffic and client RPC traffic to a specific port

asked Nov 18, 2010 by Adaxes (560 points)
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Hi, how can I change regex match to case sensitive in Custom Command conditions?

asked Jan 20, 2020 by KIT (960 points)
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Hi, we're receiving the below error when trying to add SMTP addresses to Office365 mailboxes from Adaxes. I've raised a ticket with support, but thought I'd ask ... , please see exception members for more information. Any help would be great. Thanks Gary

asked May 29, 2020 by gazoco (490 points)
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We just finalize the purchase to our software license company and I want to try to automate more with Adaxes. Is there a way that it can automatically create mailboxes in Office 365 ... that relays out to 365) and set up a script to migrate them to Office 365?

asked Mar 6, 2013 by danftasc (440 points)
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Hi everyone! We are considering this product for our helpdesk, but one of our most used operations, is logging users off from their Citrix/terminalserver session. Has anyone tried scripting this into the Adaxes program? Any answers would be greatly appriciated

asked Oct 16, 2012 by kjesoo (960 points)
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Hey Support, Were in the process of just spinning up Adaxes 2014.1 in our environment, and I'm working on build the employee off boarding custom command and can get ... mailbox on litigation hold through Outlook 365's web portal it's so slow. Thanks!

asked Jul 30, 2014 by Ben.Burrell (490 points)
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Hi, You have previously advised that scheduled tasks run on the instance that they were first created on, and only if that instance is unavailable will it promote another one. Two/ ... , would it run on both the Live and DR servers (our 2 current instances)?

asked Jun 20, 2013 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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I noticed that newly created accounts set the useraccountcontrol field to {PASSWD_NOTREQD|NORMAL_ACCOUNT} = 0x220 rather than: {NORMAL_ACCOUNT} = 0x200 Is there a place to alter this default setting?

asked Feb 23, 2012 by BradG (950 points)
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