Highest voted questions

+4 votes
1 answer

We set up a new hire form that has serveral custom text attributes that include pay rate, etc. These fields are routed to the correct departments via a PowerShell ... Is there anyway to prevent certain attributes from displaying in the approver request email?

asked Jan 8, 2020 by dhuffman (80 points)
+3 votes
1 answer

three-quarters of the year is over, is there still a major update planned for this year? And if so, is there already an approximate release date?

asked Sep 2, 2022 by Domenic (50 points)
+2 votes
1 answer

Most of my PowerShell code is written in VS Code and then copied/pasted to the Adaxes script editor. However, if you use $Context in your scripts, you can't execute them ... = [Context]::new() $Context.LogMessage("foo", "information") Output: [Information] foo

asked Nov 3, 2023 by ngb (280 points)
+2 votes
1 answer

When can we expect the next major release?

asked Jan 14, 2021 by sirslimjim (480 points)
+2 votes
1 answer

I have deployed Adaxes on an internal network and use a Microsoft AD FS Web Application Proxy to publish the web interface to external networks. After reviewing the ... Community article. Is it possible to configure Adaxes to log the external IP address?

asked Feb 5, 2020 by widoc-jamie (40 points)
+2 votes
1 answer

I am attempting to build out a report that shows all user accounts were approved by two different persons before being created. I have the workflow running correctly, ... this data stored in a specific location thats accessible by the reporting engine? Thanks!

asked Dec 16, 2019 by hendersonw (210 points)
+2 votes
0 answers

This can be setup using the HTTP Redirect option in IIS: On the computer where Adaxes Web Interface is installed, launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In the Connections ... (301). In the Actions pane on the right, click Apply. Restart IIS.

asked Oct 30, 2019 by Adaxes (550 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Hello, Is there a way I can make the Desktop Adaxes Admin Console Dark Themed? I know how to on the Web Interface, but wondered for the full console. Thanks!

asked Nov 19, 2023 by Edogstraus00 (490 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

I'm evaluating Adaxes and so far, there have only been a few hiccups, and I am happy with the feature set. However, I'm a bit dissappointed that it does not seem to be able ... the TODO list for Adaxes? Or, am I just missing something to get them to show up?

asked Mar 3, 2023 by Michael Long (70 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

When building a form, is there a way I can request the user to answer questions? I understand there is the adm-customattributes that aren't stored in AD, but I don' ... the reason why, rather than just seeing "What" change is being requested. Thank You!

asked Mar 1, 2023 by Edogstraus00 (490 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Let's face it...the Powershell script editor in Adaxes is pretty kludgy and difficult to use for any script more than a few lines long. VS Code is a free, robust, ... other) repos, you'd be able to easily handle changes and versioning to your Adaxes scripts.

asked Feb 3, 2023 by ngb (280 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Hello All, it is possible to configure SMTP mail setting using Exchange Online with modern authentication and Azure security defaults enabled? Currently I have setup local IIS ... defaults but I would like to connect to my more secured tenant. Regards Ivaylo

asked Dec 6, 2022 by ivaylo.valkov (100 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Today we upgradet to Adaxes 2023, V3.15 and I really don't like the new "search" tool. Looking with criterias make sense, in special cases yes, but not everytime. Is it possible to get the old search bar back?

asked Nov 21, 2022 by tim.amsler (60 points)
+1 vote
0 answers

Currently, users from Azure AD domains cannot log in to Adaxes Web interface and cannot use password self-service to reset their forgotten passwords. Cause Feature is not yet implemented. Will be implemented in one of the future releases.

asked Nov 16, 2022 by Adaxes (550 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Its been almost 2 years now since the last major release. Can we please get an update on when we can expect this to be available?

asked Nov 8, 2022 by sirslimjim (480 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Hello I have two questions about date field in the the web GUI. Is it possible to determine the first day of the week? In my case Monday should be the first day of ... allow change time". I have not found this in the web configurator. thx & regards pudong

asked Jul 8, 2022 by pudong (670 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

We would like to build the following construct, but we do not know how to make this feasible: We would like to store several approvers at one approval request. These approvers ... there a way to do this? Or would this be possible to build a powershell script?

asked Apr 28, 2022 by robin.christmann (160 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

When an approver approves or denies an approval request, they are prompted for a reason, but this field can be left blank. Is there a way to make this field required?

asked Mar 3, 2022 by KelseaIT (320 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Hi Adaxes Team I have created a business rule which sends a mail to our helpdesk staff after a user sets a new pw with the self password reset function. The user should ... . If this is not possible yet, please forward it as a suggestion :) regards pudong

asked Feb 4, 2022 by pudong (670 points)
+1 vote
1 answer

Good morning Support, I'm trying to connect to our AzureAD service as specified in the GetAzureAuthAccessToken(String) section ofCloudServices SDK - https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/ ... m working on a process to simply remove users from Cloud groups. Thank you!

asked Dec 3, 2021 by TheOtherBrian (70 points)
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