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is it possible to update a user attribute (extensionAttribute5) with the name of the group (Name), the user was just added to?

Example: In Group A gets a new member User A. After saving Group A, the attribute Name of Group A should be written in the attribute extensionAttribute5 of User A.

Can you please help me?

by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)


Yes, it is possible. You can use the below script in a business rule triggering After adding a member to a group.

$member = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://%member%")

$member.Put("extensionAttribute5", "%name%")


thank you for the quick answer. In the first try it all worked, extensionAttribute5 was changed. I tried again, put the user in another team, but nothing changed. extensionAttribute5 has still the value from the first try.



Make sure that the Activity Scope of the business rule includes all the groups you need.


Hello, after several tries i know what is wrong. In my first try i added the user to a security group. Everything worked fine. If i add the user to a distribution group, nothing happens. What changes are necessary for distribution groups?



No changes are required. The workflow does not depend on the group type. You just need to include the group into the activity scope of the business rule.



Hello, the scope for this rule is set on two OU, all groups are inside this two OU's. image.png If a member is added to a security group, everything works fine. image.png It works for 911-Technik(security group) but for 912-IT(distribution) it doesn't



Do you actually see the 912-IT group in Adaxes? How exactly do you add members to the group? Please, provide all the steps you take with screenshots. You can post the screenshots here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.

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