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Is it possible to have a Property Pattern based on what is selected in the "Create User" Webform?

For example, if you were to select "Contractor" from a pull down menu item for Employee Type, it would pre-pend the User Logon Name with "c-" but if they select Employee it does not.

by (1.1k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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It is a popular request, but currently such functionality is not available. As a workaround, you can create a Business Rule triggered after creating a user that will automatically append the prefix. For example, it can look something like this:

If you need details on implementing the Business Rule, we will help you.


I was thinking that was the case.

The business rule looks pretty straightforward to create. Thanks!


Is it possible to do Before creating a user?

I have a Business Rule to check that the username is not used before creating a user.

It would also help my After creating a user rules to pass the new username.



It is not possible to use the Update the User action in scripts triggered before creating a user. As a workaround, you can create a PowerShell script that will update the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) depending on the Employee Type and then check the logon name for uniqueness. You can use the following script from our repository as a sample: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... e-s298.htm. If you have difficulties with modifying the script to your needs, we will help you.

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