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as the subject indicates I created a form within Adaxes using adm-CustomAttributeText to display various DropDown fields.
My question is, is it possible to somehow link a CustomCommand to the form that uses the values from the fields to create a group and if so how should it look like?


by (960 points)

Hello Ingemar,

A Custom Command cannot be used here, but you can use a Business Rule for this purpose. Could you describe on what Home Page Action you based your form so we could help you with a Business Rule? Basically, we'd like to know what you select on the Select Action step of the Create home Page Action wizard.


I selected create new group in the wizard


OK, one more question. Active Directory cannot create groups without a name. How are you planning to generate names for new groups created with the help of this Home Page Action?


The idea was to create a page as I did with the special fields, then have button or whatever below that triggers a script, which then takes the values from the fields and creates the group


Our question is, how were you planning to generate a group name for the new group? What should it consist of? Or should it be assigned a random name of a random sequence of characters?


gotcha, with a table in the script that translates the field values into something useful.
For example if you choose Universal Group as Group Type the table should translate to "ug_" and so on
The group name should consist of parts of the field values.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Update 2019

Starting with version 2019.1 there is a dedicated action in custom commands, business rules and scheduled tasks for creating directory objects. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateMultipleAdObjectsInOneOperation.htm.

Update 2018

Starting with version 2018.1, custom commands have parameters that can be used in the actions and scripts. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_DelegatingPermissions_GrantRightsToCreateUsers.htm.


OK, understood. To implement what you need, you can use a Business Rule triggered After Creating a Group. In the Business Rule, you can perform all the actions required to set up the group to your needs.

Also, you need to resolve one issue. The thing is that Active Directory does not allow creating groups when the following properties are not specified:

  • Group Name
  • Group Name (pre-Windows 2000)
  • Group Type

We suggest that you modify your Home Page Action and set the above properties as Predefined Fields. The properties will be set to certain temporary values only to allow creation of the group. After the group is created, you will be able to change them to whichever values you need with the help of the Business Rule.

To modify the Home Page Action:

  1. On the computer, where your Adaxes Web Interface is installed, start the Web Interface Customization tool.

  2. In the Interface type drop-down list, select the Web Interface you want to configure.

  3. Activate the General tab.

  4. Click Configure Home Page Actions.

  5. In the dialog box that appears, double-click the Home Page Action for creating groups that you've configured.

  6. Switch to the Form Customization tab.

  7. Click Add in the Predefined Fields section.

  8. Select the Group Name property in the Property name field.

  9. Type the temporary value in the Default value field, for example, TEMP-%adm-RandomString,3% and click OK.

    • %adm-RandomString,3% is a value reference that will be replaced with a random string of the length of 3 characters.

  10. Repeat steps 6-8 for the Group Name (pre-Windows 2000) property.

  11. Click Add in the Predefined Fields section again.

  12. Select the Group Type property in the Property name field.

  13. Type the following in the Default value field:

    This will create a Global Security group.

  14. Click OK 3 times.

Create a Business Rule that will update group properties upon creation:

  1. Create a new Business Rule.
  2. On the 2nd step of the Create Business Rule wizard, select Group and After Creating a Group.
  3. On the 3rd step, add the necessary actions and conditions. For example, to launch a PowerShell script, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action.
  4. On the 4th step, include the locations where groups need to be created to be affected by the Business Rule in the Activity Scope.

Great that should do the trick.

Question, how do I retrieve the random group name within the powershell script?


Group Name (LDAP name for the property: cn):


Group Name (pre-Windows 2000) (LDAP name for the property: sAMAccountName):


For more details, see Getting Information about the Target Object.


Thanks that was very helpful.

Is there any chance to get the domain from $Context where the object was created in?
like for example asia.example.com or america.example.com

kind regards


Hello Ingemar,

Yes, of course. Use $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%").

%distinguishedName% is a value reference that will be substituted with the Distinguished Name (DN) of the object on which a Business Rule, Custom Command or Scheduled Task is executed.



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