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Hi guys,

I've configured a button that copy a "Template" contact object. The Template object defined in this button is not member of any distribution group, but I want to be able to put this new copy of the object in a group. The button is working when I'm not adding the contact in any group and I'm able to do this action when the creation process is done. I'm facing a weird issue and I dont know where to look at. Here is the message I have when I tried to add the contact in a group at the same time it is supposed to copy the contact:

Can not perform operation on a secondary link (Server: my domain name)

I already tried to allow full control on any object on the domain in the adaxes security settings but it's still not working. Any clues? Thanks.

by (40 points)


How are you adding the new contact to the group? Do you use a Business Rule for this purpose or something else?


It's by an action button in the web interface customization. The action is copying a user, to create a new one. In the forms of this action I permit the "member of" changes.


Is it possible that this is because I tried to add a field "member of" in a copy of a user that isn't already been created? Like I saw in another thread for the creation of a user you cannot specified the member of properties until the creation process of the users have been done. So in my case, it is really similar exept that this is not the same error at the end because I'm using the action "copy" instead of "create". I think that I'll simply review my structure. One else question come in my mind. Is it already a solved issue or maybe it would be great to add this to a next version, but it would be great to get a warning or a message in the customization of the web page forms that should say "you cannot add "membre of" properties in a create forms. So it would be impossible to have this issue that is pretty simple to understand but also easy to fall in.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


That's not possible because when you are adding a member to a group, you don't modify the member. Instead, you modify the Member property of the group by adding the new member's Distinguished Name (DN) to the property. The Member Of property is just a backlink to all the Member properties of all the groups that an object is a member of. Since at the time a new user is created (from scratch or by copying another user), the new user is not yet an actual object in your AD, it doesn't yet have any DN, so there's nothing to store in the Member property of the group.

As a workaround, you can add a simple text field that allows users to input the names of all the groups that the user should be added to. It won't be possible to browse for the groups or select them in AD, but if your operators know the names of the groups the user should be added to, they can just input the names as a comma-separated list. Then, when a user gets created, a Business Rule triggered after creating a user will add the new user to the groups specified in the text field.

but it would be great to get a warning or a message in the customization of the web page forms that should say "you cannot add "membre of" properties in a create forms

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll think on that.

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