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Hello Adaxes Support, I couldn't find a script to enable MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled for a shared mailbox, do you have a script for me to do that?

asked May 22 by dominik.stawny (260 points)
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How I can ignore a part of the lastname in username composition? Example: In the fullname "John da Silva", "da Silva", is the lastname, so, I need ignore the "da " in the composition of username, when I create the new user.

asked May 22 by fgmello (20 points)
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Hello there, We have recently moved (almost) every computer from on-prem to cloud only and have setup some scheduled tasks to disable users based off of Last Logon and Last Logon ... in a different way? And if not, are there any plans to leverage that data?

asked May 21 by jacobchugg (20 points)
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Is there any way to automatically expand the full form without having to click "specify more properties'?

asked May 21 by tromanko (330 points)
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Hi again : ) I would like to restrict adding members to specific groups only via Custom Command / Executed via PowerShell. Why? We need information from Helpdesk like Ticket ID ... me know if you need more clarification and I am happy to share details. Thanks!

asked May 21 by wintec01 (1.3k points)
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Hi team, I would like to add an action of having an input of Helpdesk Users, before adding someone to a group. I tried to create business rule, running "before ... very helpful:

asked May 17 by wintec01 (1.3k points)
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The closest operation I figure is "modfying exchange properties" of a user but not sure how I can filter the conditions to match. It's possible I could ... ? Was also looking at adm-MsExchMailboxCalendarPermissions but havent played around with that yet.

asked May 17 by ZoomGhost (240 points)
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In the web interface, when a user logs on, how can i show when was the last time the user changed their password? I would like it to be a static content.

asked May 17 by rechevarria (40 points)
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I want to create a scheduled task to disable a user if he is inactive for 30days, the task must check inacivity o AD and Azure.

asked May 16 by johanpr (120 points)
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I created a Report asking the report to get the Assinged Microsoft Supbsription license assinged to the Users, When the Reports runs it geta few users but time out ... way to increase the time Out oprtion fro Reports that are getting information from Azure?

asked May 16 by George.Holden (40 points)
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I'm working on a new user creation form for the help desk. I'm having them select the department number the new hire will be in. Once user is created, I want the department name to be ... there a easier way? Example: Dept ID 1 = IT, 2 = Finance, 3 = HR etc.

asked May 15 by tromanko (330 points)
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Hi All, We're looking at automating our user provisioning flow, which is currently performed manually, so we are prospective customers. At present, we ask the users manager whose ... AD and would Adaxes be able to handle it? Thanks! <br> <br>

asked May 15 by SuperTom100 (20 points)
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I'm lost as to why "Create User" doesn't show up. I made a new dashboard, mirroring the default Help Desk. Under Actions, I enabled Create User. On the web interface, the option to create a user is not showing. Am I missing a step?

asked May 15 by tromanko (330 points)
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AD is our identity source for Okta. When a user's AD account locks, the corresponding Okta account locks too. When the user self-unlocks the AD account via Adaxes, the ... there a way where Adaxes can also unlock the Okta account by leveraging Okta's API?

asked May 14 by ma4997 (20 points)
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I need to send an e-mail to the owner ("managed by") for each group. The e-mail should contain a list of group members. What is the best way to do that?

asked May 9 by akindy (20 points)
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Hi, I need to create a number of mail user accounts via Adaxes and a lot of these accounts have & in the displayname/email address etc (I know, I know ... failed so I can troubleshoot it better. I have tried $context.logmessage($_.Exception.Message) Thanks

asked May 9 by typod (50 points)
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We need to know specifically for self service password management what level of access in AD do I specifically need.

asked May 9 by justinspring (20 points)
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We need to run a scheduled task twice a year, so I chose every 182 days like it's suggested in here, only problem is that there is no way to change the next run ... really don't want these tasks to be triggered again if they've already been executed this year.

asked May 8 by boing (20 points)
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We have a client that is using another product for tracking change history and Active Directory auditing. Does Adaxes provide such tracking for Active Directory objects, passwords, etc. ?

asked May 7 by daviddickerson (20 points)
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I am looking for a way to make the Owners of groups review members in those groups every 6 months and approve\deny the members of said group. Flow would be something like this ... of the group. So if they didnt approve it, the user would no longer have access.

asked May 7 by ADuser (20 points)
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